Research at the Museum
Mildenhall and District Museum has a wealth of historical information about the town, the local villages and its people. Come and enjoy the fascinating history of our local area.
Searching for your family history?
We have information, histories, and wills available.
Searching for information about a building or your home?
We have some historical deeds and photographs.
Our research corner is open and only costs £5 per session. Our volunteers will be happy to collect documents and photographs, normally stored behind the scenes, for you to see.
Unable to visit the museum?
Then for a £5 fee, our team of volunteer researchers will try to find the information for you. Additional charges will be made for scanned documents and photographs.
Contact us via
Local photographs & The Great Air Race
We have a vast collection of photographs dating back to the 19th century as well as more recent ones. These are categorised into the local villages and towns and can be viewed freely in the museum. Museum staff will show you how to use the video display unit. For a small fee you can have an electronic copy of any photograph(s) emailed to you. The video of the MIldenhall to Melbourne Air Race, which was on the first floor of the museum, is also available on this display unit.